Saturday, October 17, 2009


محاولة لوصف الاشىء:

الضء الضليل: " عندنا فى مودرمور, حدث شىء غامض, انه مازال يحدث بالفعل, انه من الصعب وصفه, لقد بدأ الأمر بما يلي بأن باختصار, توجد فى شرق بلادنا بحيرة , أو بالأحرى كانت توجد. و قد بدأ الأمر بأن البحيرة لم يعد لها وجود فى أحد الأيام. ببساطة اختفت, أتفهمون؟ "

فقال أوكوك مستفسراً : أتريد أن تقول أنها جفت؟ "

فرد الضوء الضليل: " لا , وإلا لكانت هناك بعدئذ بحيره جافة, ولكن ليس هذا هو الحال. فهناك حيث كانت البحيرة , لا يوجد الآن أى شىء على الاطلاق- ببساطة لاشىء مطلقا, أتفهمون؟"

فقال قاضم الصخور:" أهناك ثقب؟"

فزاد الانطباع المتحير الصادر عن الضوء الضليل و هو يقول: لا, و لا ثقب أيضا, فالثقب شيىء ما و لكن هناك لا شىء"

و تساءل شبح الليل: " كيف يبدو إذن هذا الاشىء؟"

فقال الضوء الضليل: " هذا هو بعينه ما يصعب وصفه. ففى الحقيقه لا يبدو شيء على الاطلاق. إنه مثل- آخ, لا توجد كلمة لذلك! "

فتدخل المخلوق الدقيق قائلا: "إنه كما لو كان الانسان أعمى عندما ينظر إلى المكان, أليس كذلك؟ "

فصاح الضوء الضليل قائلا: هذا هو التعبير الصحيح. و لكن من أين – أقصد لماذا- أما تعرفون أنتم هذا أيضا؟

و تدخل قاضم الصخور مقرقعا: " لحظة. قل , هل اقتصر الامر على هذا المكان وحده؟"

فقال الضوء الضليل شارحا: " نعم فى بادىء الأمر , أى أن المكان يتزايد حجمه باستمرار شيئاً فشيئاً. و بشكل ما ازداد التناقص المستمر من المنطقة.الضفدعة الأولى, و التى كانت تعيش فى البحيرة, اختفت كذلك بعدئذ فجأة تماماً, و بدأ سكان آخرون فى الهرب. و لكن الأمر بدأ أيضاٌ فى أماكن أخرى من مودرمور شيئا فشيئا. و أحياناً كان فى البداية صغيراً جداً فقط , عدم, فى حجم بيضة دجاجة المستنقعات. و لكن هذه المواضع اتسعت, فإذا وطأ أحد فيه بقدمه خطأ لاختفت القدم أيضاً- أو اليد-أو أى شىء آخر يقع فيه عفواً. و هو بالمناسبة لا يؤلم- فقط تنقص قطعة من الشخص المعنى فجأة بعد ذلك.

من رواية قصة بلا نهاية
         لالكاتب ميشائيل إنده

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Monday, October 12, 2009

The Mystery of the Glowing minirals

One of the most fascinating experiences I've ever had was swimming one night in Moonbeach naked with these glowing particles all around me. It was like part of a dream really. Everybody called the mglowing minirals. so I assumed thats what they were .Although I did have an alternative story which fit well with my dream like state . They were actually fallen stars.  Stars that lost their balance up there and fell into the sea. Why not! But of course they weren't fallen stars. Nor were they glowing minirals!

Google my friend to the rescue. Very simply put , since I can't use difficult biological terms, these were glowing secretions belonging to an underwater celular organism! it's a very tiny organism which has this substance and uses it as a light sourse and also to waive off any predators. It's kind of like a fire fly but living underwater.This was at first a very disturbing thing to me . Was I really swimming among hundreds and hundreds of these creatures..ya3! But this might have not been the case. After this glowing light is secreted into the water it remains for a while, hence the fact that when we are out of the water touching the wet sand with our feet we find them there.

 Its truly amazing. Many mythical stories told by sailors about mermaids and ghosts were inspired by these glowing particles.

Saturday, October 10, 2009

Understanding Barbara Kruger

When first I started this blog I was inlove with a man whom I felt was "the one". I cannot describe how this love felt nor how strong it was because it was along time ago. But I do remember an insident that perhaps explains my love for him best.

At that time I was very fond of Barabara Kruger, an artist who works mostly with photographs and collaged words and sentences. while my boyfriend was away , as was mostly the case since we were almost always in a long distance situation, I stumbled upon a piece by Kruger titled "Thinking of you" . That piece, though very simple, really spoke to me and had a huge effect on me at the time. This was how it felt every time I missed him. I felt a slight sting in my heart like a prick of a needle. I could never really describe the feeling till I saw that kruger piece.

When I saw him ,I wanted to show him that piece and see if it would have that effect on him too. He didn't understand the piece and when I explained it to him he didn't really grasp what I was talking about. It was simple , he didn't feel that way about me. I'm sure he missed me when he was away but that prick , this little sting of pain I got when ever I thought of him , was not what he experienced when thinking of me.

Its funny how this Kruger piece made me realize two very important things:

1. I loved him unconditionally.

2. He didnt love me the same way .