Saturday, October 10, 2009

Understanding Barbara Kruger

When first I started this blog I was inlove with a man whom I felt was "the one". I cannot describe how this love felt nor how strong it was because it was along time ago. But I do remember an insident that perhaps explains my love for him best.

At that time I was very fond of Barabara Kruger, an artist who works mostly with photographs and collaged words and sentences. while my boyfriend was away , as was mostly the case since we were almost always in a long distance situation, I stumbled upon a piece by Kruger titled "Thinking of you" . That piece, though very simple, really spoke to me and had a huge effect on me at the time. This was how it felt every time I missed him. I felt a slight sting in my heart like a prick of a needle. I could never really describe the feeling till I saw that kruger piece.

When I saw him ,I wanted to show him that piece and see if it would have that effect on him too. He didn't understand the piece and when I explained it to him he didn't really grasp what I was talking about. It was simple , he didn't feel that way about me. I'm sure he missed me when he was away but that prick , this little sting of pain I got when ever I thought of him , was not what he experienced when thinking of me.

Its funny how this Kruger piece made me realize two very important things:

1. I loved him unconditionally.

2. He didnt love me the same way .


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Your blog keeps getting better and better! Your older articles are not as good as newer ones you have a lot more creativity and originality now keep it up!

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