We the Egyptians are on the brink of a civil war. We the People are in danger of losing our dignity (what’s left of it anyway). We the people are being manipulated and lowered into division and fragmentation by a much greater and corrupter entity. This is what we should fight against here. We fight for unity and against division. The only labels we should carry are "US” “WE” “THE PEOPLE”. If I am to take to the streets on the 7th of January it is not to try and protect a minority group. I am trying to protect what’s left of my country. I am trying to defend my right as a human being to believe in whatever I want without being condemned or discriminated against in my Country!
I am not a Muslim,
I am not a Christian,
I am not a Jew...
I am an Egyptian,
I am an Arab,
I am a human Being!